Friday, October 15, 2010

Help The Snakes Are Eating My Fish!

Sit quietly, you do nothing, open comes, and the weed grows by itself. ~ Zen quoteThe weed is flourishing and growing. Spring has positively sprung, but it is tough to do nothing as a small of the creatures in my pool are unhappy. So most wildlife stop by to revisit my small ecosystem: deer, frogs, birds, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, turtles and snakes. As it should be, the pool has taken on hold up of the own.Pond Story (Part 2)Just when I had motionless to let inlet takes the due course, and suffer the stately heron methodically spinning the magic, hold up in the pool took a small twists and turns. See, I have come to comprehend (with the assistance from most of your comments) that the heron was indeed a present wrapped up in a healthy lifecycle eating package. While the fish were cursed (not all were Koi, there were Goldfish and Carp too), the heron became a new quadruped to watch for in the early sunrise hours. Most of the fish that are left have left in to hiding, but the heron still swoops by each sunrise to catch a glance of a glossy fish. Sometimes he swoops down, but often he flies over the pool and goes off to lessen my neighbors pond.The object has been forward after in the day, and weve been spending some-more and some-more time outward in the early evenings. My son is home from college and he loves to cook. He generally enjoys in progress over the outside glow array that is only a couple of feet afar from the pond. One evening, whilst he was in progress and we were enjoying the last mins of outside light, we beheld utterly a turmoil in the pond. The H2O gymnastics was entrance from a lizard with one of the smallish bullion fish in the mouth.I ran inside to get the camera (photo above) and the margin guide (it was a Northern Water Snake) whilst the lizard glided in and out of the H2O as it wrestled with the striking fish. After about a half an hour, the lizard contingency have satisfied that it had bitten off some-more than it could presumably chew. It gave up exhausted, slithering off in to the tall slightly wet grass. The harmed fish swam deeply down in to the dark and hopefully it has recovered from the ordeal.Next: More info about H2O snakes and an refurbish on the heron story
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